QCIS works with our customers on an individual basis to determine what stocking plan will work best. Our goal is to make sure we have packaging available to deliver when needed, but we understand that excess inventory can be costly. We offer several service levels of inventory management, and always provide full transparency to our customers regarding the material on our floor.
- Full-service JIT – for the customer who doesn’t want to manage their packaging inventory, they just want it to be available when they order it
- QCIS to stock 1-3 months inventory
- Same day delivery as needed
- Periodic obsolescence review to clear material that will no longer be needed
- JIT with inventory control
- Same day delivery
- Usually with a blanket PO
- QCIS contacts customer each time we re-stock to secure written approval before ordering more material
- Full inventory control with timely delivery
- Through Stocking PO’s
- QCIS notifies customer when inventory is low
- Customer issues a PO for the quantity to be stocked
- QCIS delivers as needed against that PO until depleted
- Through warehousing agreements
- Blanket PO in place
- Customer re-signs warehousing agreement with quantity and usage date range with each re-stocking
- Through Stocking PO’s
- Pre-paid inventory management
- Customer pays in full on the front end
- QCIS holds material at our warehouse as customer-owned inventory
- QCIS delivers as needed
- Customer-owned inventory
- Typically during transitional period where customer is changing from another supplier to QCIS
- Left-over inventory from old supplier is managed at QCIS until depleted
- Allows QCIS to phase in purchase of QCIS owned inventory, and to study usage and build forecasting models
- Run-and -Ship – items are produced when ordered, requires a longer lead time
- Stock items – some items are used by numerous customers
- Examples – stretch wrap, banding, standard pallet sizes
- New customers can order these items with short lead times (usually same day)
Does not require commitment to buy a particular quantity over time